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Woodwork Shokunin|Buchi Mokkou

Mr. Masato Nishimura’s concept is “to create 1 from 0.” As a woodwork “Shokunin” (artisan), he regenerates the scrap woods he collects from furniture stores and lumber dealers. Mr. Nishimura has established his woodwork studio “Buchi Mokkou” in 2011. With the skills acquired from his experience as a furniture Shokunin and his kindhearted personality, Mr. Nishimura gets endless offers ranging from the creation of custom-made products to hosting workshops. The objective of the attention-drawing young woodwork Shokunin as he states it is to “try preserving the value of the manufacturers and consumers meeting face to face.”


Buchi Mokkou

214 Yokodai Central Housing Complex, 3-13-5 Yokodai, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa